Cell Group Leader's Weekly Report
Leader's Name: Apprentice(s):
Meeting Date: Date Picker Meeting Location:
1. Who was at your Cell gathering this week?
(List individual adults or husband & wife and then # of adults & kids from that family. Use the last blank to give the total number of adults and kids present this week.)
  Name # Adults/Kids   Name # Adults/Kids
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Total # present at meeting:  
2. Visitors:
A. Visitor Follow-up:
Were any of the people listed above "visitors" to your Cell Group?
If yes, list their names in the box below, along with how your Cell Group plans to follow-up with them. (Include any information you want to, such as: who invited them, how they know them, etc.)
B. "Empty Chair":
Did you remind your members of the importance of outreach by mentioning the "empty chair"?
3. Upward: What evidence was there of Jesus' presence during your Cell gathering?
(How was your time more than a meeting? Do you need resources?)
4. Inward: List the ways you have been involved in the lives of specific Cell members in the last week BEYOND the Cell gathering.
(List calls, notes, e-mails & social contacts.)
5. Outward: How is your group praying and planning for outreach?
(Is your group using the "Blessing List" to pray for others? List also any special future activities that you have planned; i.e. service projects, special prayer nights, harvest events.)
6. Forward: What are your plans for multiplying your Cell Group in the future?
(How is your Apprentice Leader developing? What areas are you working with your apprentice in? What natural sub-groups are forming in your group? Need help or resources?)
7. Other: Comments/Questions/Concerns/Praises you want to share.
(What's happening in people's lives?)