- 1984
Companion to the Poor, Albatross
Books: Sydney.
1990, 2nd
edition 1990 MARC: Monrovia, CA,
2005 Indian edition, YWAM: Chennai.
2006, rev edn,
London: Authentic.
tr. in Portuguese 1988 Servos Entre Os Pobres, Comibam/Aura Books: Sao Paulo , Brazil.
2006 rev edn Ultimato:
tr. in German
1990 Mit den armen leben, Wolfgang Simson Verlag: Lorrach.
tr. in Spanish 1994 Siervos Entre Los Pobres,
Nueva Creacion: Buenos Aires and Eerdmans.
tr. in Korean 1995,
_______________________, IVP: Seoul.
- 1992
Cry of the Urban Poor, MARC
tr. in
Portuguese. 1994 O Grito Dos Pobres Na Cidade, Missao Editora: Sao Paulo.
2006 rev Edition, London: Authentic
- 1992-1997
(Revised yearly) Transforming
Cities: An Urban Leadership Guide, Auckland: Urban Leadership
- 2000
Creating an Auckland Business
Theology. Urban Leadership Foundation. 80 pp.
- 2005 The Spirit of Christ and the Post-modern City:
Transformative Revival Among Auckland's Evangelicals and Pentecostals,
Auckland: Urban Leadership Foundation, Ph D Thesis.
- 2006 Companion
to the Poor in Tamil (Chennai: YWAM Publishing)
- 2007 Servos Entre
Os Pobres, rev edn. Ultimato: Curitiba, Brazil (Portuguese).
- 2009
The Spirit of Christ and the
Postmodern City. Auckland: Urban Leadership Foundation and Lexington,
KY: Emeth Press.
Professional Papers and Articles
- 1987
"Sorry the Frontier Moved!" Urban
Missions, 4:4 (March 1987),12-25.
tr in Portuguese .
"Desculpe! A Fronteira
Mudou-Se." Teologico, Sociedade Dos Estudantes de Teologia Evangelica: Sao
- 1989
"Cities of God - Cities of Men." 3 part series in Challenge Weekly: Auckland , November 1989.
- 1987
"The Urban Poor: Prime Missionary Target." Evangelical Review of Theology, July 1987, pp 261-272.
Reprinted 1989 in Urban Ministry in
Asia, chap 18 , Asia Theological Association,
pp 185-197.
- 1989
" Squatters, The Most Responsive Unreached Bloc." Urban Missions, 6:5 (May 1989),
- 1992
of the Poor." In Discipling the
City: A Comprehensive Approach to Urban Mission Baker: Grand Rapids,
Michigan, 159-170.
- 1993
"Reaching the Cities." In Vision
New Zealand Congress, Vision New Zealand, 429 Queen Street
, Auckland.
- 1993
"Intercessors and Cosmic Urban Spiritual Warfare." International Journal of Frontier
Missions Vol 10:4 Oct 1993. tr into Korean in 1995 by the
Korea AD2000 Movement and Beyond by Jubilee Tech International.
- 1995
"Spiritual Warfare and the Poor in the Gateway Cities." In Praying Through the 100 Gateway Cities, C.
Peter Wagner, Mark Peters, eds. YWAM Publishing: Seattle.
tr. into Korean by the Korea AD2000 Movement and
Beyond by Jubilee Tech International.
tr. into Portuguese "La Guerra Espiritual y los Pobres en las Ciudades de Acesso". In Orando por Las 100 Ciudades de Accesso a la Ventana 10/40, C Peter Wagner, Stephen
Peters y Mark Wilson, eds. Editorial Unilit.
- 1997
"Transforming the Soul of Kiwi Cities." In New Vision New Zealand Vol 11(1997) , Bruce Patrick, ed., Auckland: Vision New Zealand.
- 1997
"Transforming the Soul of the Nation." In New Vision New Zealand Vol III , Bruce
Patrick, ed., Auckland: Vision New Zealand.
- 2005 "Foreward".
In Quest for Hope in the Slum
Community: A Global Urban Reader, Scott Bessnecker,
ed., Waynesborough, GA:
Authentic, pp1-2.
- 2005 " Never the Same Again: Face to
Face with Poverty", "To Have or Not to Have? Economically Just
Lifestyles", With Justice for All", reprinted in Quest for Hope in the Slum Community: A
Global Urban Reader, Scott Bessnecker, ed., Waynesborough, GA: Authentic, pp39-44;45-50;269-282
- 2009 The
Spirit of Christ and the Post Modern City.
Conference presentation, Revitalization Conference, KY:Asbury Seminary, Oct 2009
Some Popular Articles
- 1979-80
"Discipleship", "Discipleship and
Self: The Beatitudes", "Discipleship and Possessions." Reach Communique,
Manila: Reach, Vol 1:2, 2:1, 2:3
- 1984
"The Poor Wise Man and ytrevoP the
Demon." The Reaper: pp
16-19. Bible College of New Zealand: Auckland. August 1984. Reprinted in World Mission Guide, World
Christian Magazine: Los Angeles, pp 9-11, 1988
- 1987
"The Poor Wise Man of Calcutta." Urban Missions, 5:2 (Nov 1987): 43-44
- Korean
Translations of articles in Gospel
and Context, 1995:8, pp 76-81, 9:112-117, 1996, 1997
- 1988
"Of Barefoot Dentists... and Rich Young Rulers." Urban Missions, May 1988 and Transformation 1991, No 1, p25.
- 1992
"AD2000 Cities Track Partnering Missions to Reach Cities." in AD2000 Cities Track News, Vol 1:1.
- 1992
"A Crucial Hour for the 1000 Least Evangelized Cities" , In Cities
and Slums Newsletter, Vole 1:2, June 1992
- 1992
"AD2000 Sister Cities Network", In Cities and Slums News, Vol 1:3, Sep
- 1992
"Living Among the Poor." In World
Vision, Oct/Nov 1992, pp 19,20.
- 1995
" Unified Leadership: The Key to Revival Within Our Cities." New Zealand Baptist, June 1995
- 1996
"Development Perspectives in Cities" in Tear Talk, July, 1996.
- 1996
" The Cost of Intercession: Reflections on a Calcutta Love
Story." New Zealand Baptist,
June 1996.
- 2000
Urban Theology as Transformational
Conversation: Hermeneutics for the Post-Modern Cities, Auckland: Urban
Leadership Foundation.
Major Conference
- 1989
Laussanne Congress on World Evangelization,
Manila. 2 Sessions on Ministering to the Urban Poor.
- 1993
VisionNZ Congress plenary on
"Reaching the Cities"
- 1995
Global Congress On World
Evangelization, Seoul , Korea.
Plenary Session. Leader of the AD2000 Cities Network.
- 1996
Mission Korea 96,
a gathering of eight student movements, plenary on "The
Cry of the Urban Poor" and seminars.
- 1996
AD2000 Urban Poor Network, Hong Kong. Leadership team
, several seminars, plenary
- 1997
Vision NZ Congress plenary on
"Transformation of the Nation."
- Numerous
City Leadership Consultations in nations and cities.
- 1997
Korean Students for Christ
plenary and seminar
- 1998
Korean Students for Christ
plenary address, "The Poor Wise Man" and
- 1998
Asbury Seminary, Kingdom Conference,
keynote speaker, "The Cosmic Christ in Cities From
Hell" and forums.
- 1996,
1997, 1998 Australian AD2000
National Leadership Consultations as plenary speaker
- 1999
Vision for Auckland Huis, organiser, keynote
address on "Six Battlefronts in Auckland"
- 2000
Transformational Conversations:
Developing Indigenous Theologies hui,
Auckland, facilitator.
- 2001
Biola Missions Conference,
addresses, "Reaching the Poor of Asia's Mega-Cities",
"The Judgement of God on a Post modern
- 2008 RENAS
Brazil, keynote, "Jesus-style Seminary in the
- 2009 Revitalization
Consultation, Asbury Seminary, “The Spirit of Christ and the Postmodern
- 2011 EMS SOuthWestern Conference, "The Kingdom and post-Post-modern Megalopolises".