Mission in an Urban Context

ŠViv Grigg, Urban Leadership
Offered Carey Baptist College, 1997, 99, New Covenant 97, 98,99, 00. 715.275SB


To introduce students to the dynamics of the urban setting and the practice of ministry in that environment.


This unit includes: an historical overview of global urbanisation, secularisation and the emergence of the post-modern city; the physical and sociological characteristics of urbanism; an analysis of power in the urban setting; biblical approaches to the city; theological themes of urban relevance; models of urban church life, particularly multicultural church life; characteristics of urban ministry; examination of topics of particular relevance to urban ministry, with emphasis on the urban poor.


Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
(i) Demonstrate an understanding of the historical development of cities and urbanisation
(ii) Describe the distinctive physical and sociological features of urban life, and their significance for ministry
(iii) Reflect an understanding of biblical material on cities
(iv) Articulate a theological foundation for urban ministry
(v) Describe and evaluate models of urban church life and mission
(vi) Apply analytical skills in the evaluation of a particular topic of urban relevance.


One 2,000 word essay reflecting theologically or strategically on an urban issue (30%)
One project-style analysis of theology and responses to an urban issue (30%)

One project presentation to the class (30%)
Reading log, class participation (10%)



Greenway, Roger and Timothy Monsma, Cities: Missions New Frontiers, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1989 or
Greenway, Roger, Discipling the City , Grand Rapids: Baker, 1991.
Grigg, Viv, Cry of the Urban Poor, Monrovia: MARC, 1992.


Tonna, B. A Gospel for the Cities, A Socio-Theology of Urban Ministry, Maryknoll: Orbis, 1982
Bakke , Ray, A Theology As Big As the City, IVP, 1996

Linthicum, Robert, City of God. City of Satan, A Biblical Theology of the Urban Church, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1991.

Grigg, Viv, Companion to the Poor, MARC, 1994 .
Grigg, Viv, Transforming Cities: An Urban Leadership Guide, Urban Leadership Foundation , 1997.


This is the only course in urban missions at the university. Building from the systematic theology prerequisite in 705.101, it develops skills in a contextual story-telling model of theologising. It complements other missiology papers in dealing with cross-cultural and multi-ethnic urban issues, responses to poverty and power, and contextualisation of church growth.