Theology and Practice of Urban Poor Mission

MT595 Viv Grigg

(This is an introduction and integration into a 40 hour intensive of three courses of theology of urban poor mission, practice of urban poor mission and urban poor churchplanting each of 40 hours.)


Inductive development of a story-based theological framework for practical experiences in entering poor communities and developing holistic poor peoples' churches. Integrated around reflections on Kingdom mission and the city, it reflcets on the Holy Spirit among the poor, evangelism, cooperative economics, land rights, poverty, justice, oppression, class and racial conflict resolution, incarnation, suffering, poor peoples' churches / movements in two-third world cities, leadership from among the poor, etc.


This is (a) an opportunity for theological reflection, (b) healing for those grappling with the hideous realities of their experiences among the poor, and (c) integration for those who have found a distance of common theological formulations from these realities. This includes the struggles by evangelicals over the last 25 years to emerge a commitment to holism and the poor, without losing an evangelism and church growth focus. (d) The course has developed out of years of forming apostolic orders and preparing people to enter city slums in both first and third world.


The course will oscillate between three teaching tracks, the practical issues met in establishing poor peoples' churches; theological issues of the inter-relationship of the Kingdom and poverty; and urban contextual factors. Discussion of readings, and reflections on experiences of class members and some outside practicioners will provide the basis for expansion of theologies from traditional evangelical roots.



1. either Grigg, Viv, Companion to the Poor, MARC, 1990.
or Grigg, Viv Cry of the Urban Poor, MARC, 1992.

2. either Nicholls, Bruce J. and Buelah Wood, Sharing the Good News with the Poor, Baker, 1996.
or Craig, Jenny, Servants Among the Poor, OMF Publishers, 1996.

3. Davey, Cyril, Saint in the Slums: Kagawa of Japan, Jersey City: Parkwest Publications, 2000.
or Axling, William, Kagawa, SCM, 1932

4. Theology from the Slums course reader in library (300 pages of articles).


Greenway, Roger, Discipling the City, 2nd ed., Baker, 1993, CHAPS 1,7,8,12, 13, 14,16,18.
Urban Trek reader, 2001, (300 pages of articles).
Survey Urban Missions magazines (1986-93) for other articles related to urban poor issues.
Conn, Harvey, ed., Planting and Growing Urban Churches, Baker. 1997.

Carolina de Jesus, Diary of Carolina de Jesus, Mass Market, 1983.
Glasser, Art, Kingdom and Mission, Orbis, 1993.
Tamez, Elsa, Bible of the Oppressed, Orbis, 1982
De Santa Ana, Julio, Towards a Church of the Poor, WCC, 1982
Bong Rin Ro, Urban Ministry in Asia, Asian Theological Association, 1989
Ellul, Jacques, The Meaning of the City, Jersey: Attic Press,1997


Keep a reading log of each chapter (approx 1000 pages).
Visit an urban poor church and write a one page reflection on your experience.
10 minute class presentation from your experiences among the poor.


Assignments of readings and reflections are designed to integrate into two final 10 - 15 page papers (double spaced) - showing by words, diagrams, schematics, video, or audio-visual. These could be integrated into one 20-25 page paper.
(a) Practice: the impact of Kingdom issues on an urban poor church development setting you are familiar with, and
(b) Theology: developing a "slum-dwellers or workers theology" for some practical setting.


Prerequisite introduction to the field, for people moving to the missions field and for Urban Poor Mission 3: Churchplanting and Revival Movements Among the Poor.


1 Hour. Develop a strategy for entrance and establishment of the Kingdom in a slum. Justify it theologically.

April 21, 2002. 92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02 , Canada, Manila, US, NZ,Viv Grigg