Bibliography on The Urban Poor

compiled by Viv Grigg 1988

  1. Theological Reflections on Urban Poverty

    Cherupallikat, Justinian O.F.M. Cap
    1975 Witness Potential of Evangelical Poverty In India. Nouvelle Review de Science Missionaire, CH-6405 Immensee, Switzerland.

    de Sta. Ana, Julio
    1977 Good News to the Poor. Geneva: WCC

    Dorr, Donal
    1983 Option for the Poor: A Hundred Years of Vatican Social Teaching. Orbis.

    Hanks, Thomas
    1983 For God So Loved the Third World. Maryknoll, N.Y: Orbis.

    Lausanne Occasional Papers
    1980 Christian Witness to the Urban Poor #22, Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, PO Box 1100, Wheaton, Illinois 60187, USA.

  2. The Western Inner City

    Bradbury, Nicholas
    1989 City of God? Pastoral Care in the Inner City, London: SPCK.

    Perkins, John
    1995 Restoring at Risk Communities, CCDA, 1909 Robinson Road, Jackson, MS 39209, USA. John has a comprehensive perspective on reconciliation and rebuilding from within the American urban poor/ racially divided environment.

    Magnusson, Norris
    1977 Salvation in the Slums. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press.

  3. General Readings on the Urban Slums

    Allen V.L. ed.
    1970 Psychological Factors in Poverty Research. Chicago: Markham.

    Booth, William
    1890 In Darkest England and the Way Out. Salvation Army.

    Cook, William
    1982 the Expectation of the Poor: a Protestant Missiological Study of the Catholic "Communidades de Base" in Brazil. Ph.D. Dissertation, Fuller Theological Seminary.

    Greenway, Roger
    1973 An Urban Strategy for Latin America. Baker Book House.

    Greenway, Roger & Monsma, Timothy
    1989 Cities: Mission's New Frontier, Grand Rapids: Baker, ch. 4,14.

    Grigg, Viv
    1987 "Sorry, the Frontier Moved!" In Urban Mission, Vol. 4, Number 4 March 1987.
    1989 "Squatters: The Most Responsive Unreached Bloc" In Urban Mission, Volume 6, Number 5, May 1989.

    Jocano, F.Landa
    1975 Slum As a Way of Life. Manila: New Day Publishers, Box 167, Quezon City 3008.

    Kenrick, Bruce
    1965 Come Out the Wilderness. Fontana.

    Khandekar, Sreekant
    "Their Pound of Flesh." India Today , Jan 3l, l986 80-82.

    LaPierre, Dominique
    1985 Calcutta, City of Joy. Doubleday.

    Lloyd, Peter
    1979 Slums of Hope? Shanty Towns in the Third World. Hammondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin.

  4. Incarnational Models (Solidarity)

    Abraham, Aleyamma
    Gospel in Action Fellowship: An Incarnational Ministry Among Urban Poor in India. Unpublished paper. School of World Mission, Fuller Theological Seminary. Winter Quarter l987

    Goudge, Elizabeth
    1959 Saint Francis of Assissi. Hodder and Stoughton.

    Grigg, Viv
    1984 Companion to the Poor. MARC. tr. into Portugese 1988 by Ehud Garcia as Servos Entre os Pobres. Comibam and Editoria Vida Livraria.
    1986 A Strategy to Reach the Urban Poor of the World's Mega-Cities. Urban Leadership Foundation.
    1986 SERVANTS: A Protestant Missionary Order With Vows of Simplicity and Non-Destitute Poverty. Urban Leadership Foundation.

    Houghton, Graham and Ezra Sargunam
    1982 "Church Planting Among the Urban Poor (With focus on Madras and Bombay)" Asia Pulse, Evangelical Missions Information Service, May l982 Vol l5, No. 2.

    Linford Stutzman
    1991 "An Incarnational Approach to Mission in Modern, Affluent Societies". Urban Mission, Vol. 8, No. 5, May 1991.

    Mavrodes, George
    1976 " The Salvation of Zachary Baumkletterer." In The Other Side, Feb 1976

    Perkins, Douglas Lloyd
    1993 "Thomas Chalmers, Urban Advocate of the Poor". Urban Mission, Vol. 10, No. 3, March 1993.

    Perkins, John
    1982 With Justice For All. Ventura: Regal Books.

    Perrin, Henri
    1964 Priest and Worker: The Autobiography of Henri Bernard Wall. New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston.

    Pickett, J. Wakom
    1938 Christ's Way to India's Heart. The United Society for Christian Literature.

    Pullinger, Jackie
    1980 Chasing the Dragon, Hodder and Stoughton.

    Tonna, Benjamin
    1985 Gospel for the Cities, Orbis, chap 8.

    West, Morris
    1961 Children of the Sun: The Slum Dwellers of Naples. Pan Books

  5. Street People

    Anderson, Jeff
    1995 Crisis on the Streets, Manila: Action, June 1995

    Greenway, Roger & Monsma, Timothy
    1989 Cities: Mission's New Frontier, Grand Rapids: Baker, ch. 15.

  6. Drug Addiction, Prostitution and Slavery

    Eding, Godofredo F.
    1988 "Drug Addiction and Prostitution." In Urban Ministry in Asia, Asia Theological Association,. 198-207.

    Greenway, Roger & Monsma, Timothy
    1989 Cities: Mission's New Frontier, Grand Rapids: Baker, ch. 16, 18

    Pullinger, Jackie
    1980 Chasing The Dragon, Hodder and Stoughton, 1980.

    Wilkerson, David
    1962 The Cross and The Switchblade, Pyramid Books, 1962.

  7. Political and Power Issues Related to Urban Poverty

    Alinsky, Saul
    1969 Reveille for Radicals, New York: Vintage Books.

    Grigg, Viv
    1992 Companion to the Poor, MARC. chaps 9,10.
    1994 Cry of the Urban Poor, MARC, chaps 20,21.

    Linthicum, Robert
    1991 City of God. City of Satan, Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 1991 Empowering the Poor, California: MARC.

    Freire, Paulo
    1986 Pedagogy of the Oppressed. tr. Myra Bergman Ramos. New York: Continuum.

    Perlman, Janice E.
    1976 The Myth of Marginality, Urban Poverty and Politics in Rio de Janiero. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press.

  8. The Economics of Urban Poverty

    Berger, Peter
    1987 The Capitalist Revolution: Fifty Propositions About Prosperity, Equality and Liberty. N.Y.: Basic Books.

    Galbraith, John Kenneth
    19__ The Nature of Mass Poverty. Penguin
    1977 The Age of Uncertainty British Broadcasting Corporation.

    Myrdal, Gunnar
    1968 Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of the Nations.

    Santos, Milton
    1979 The Shared Space tr. from Portugese edition (1975) by Chris Gerry. Methuen: London and New York. 1979 Pobreza Urbana. Estudos Urbanos. S.P.: Editora Brasiliense.

    Todaro, Michael P.
    1981 Economic Development in the Third World, 2nd ed. New York: Longman.

  9. Anthropological Perspectives on Urban Poverty

    Baric, Lorraine, Theodore Caplow and Morris Opler
    1967 "Children of Sanchez, Pedro Martinez and La Vida." Current Anthropology, 8:480-500 December.

    Brandon, Richard Duane
    1981 Culture and Poverty. Unpublished Thesis, Pasadena: Fuller School of World Mission.

    Lewis Oscar
    1959 Five Families: Mexican Case Studies in the Culture of Poverty. N.Y: Basic Books.
    1961 The Children of Sanchez, Autobiography of a Mexican Family. N.Y: Random House.
    1965 La Vida: A Puerto Rican Family in the Culture of Poverty. San Juan and New York: Vintage Books.
    1966 "The Culture of Poverty." Scientific American Vol 215, No 4:3-9, October 1966.
    1973 "The Possessions of the Poor." In Cities, Their Origin, Growth and Human Impact, Readings from Scientific American. W. H. Freeman and Co: San Francisco

    Mangin, William
    l967 "Squatter Settlements." Scientific American. Vol. 2l7 No. 4, October 1967, 2l-29
    1970 Peasants in Cities: Readings in Anthropology of Urbanization. Boston: Houghton Mifflen.

    Miller, Walter B.
    1971 The Poor: A Culture of Poverty or a Poverty of Culture. Grand Rapids: Eerdman.

    Pilisuk, Marc and Phyllis Pilisuk
    1971 Poor Americans: How the White Poor Live. Transaction Books.

    Rainwater, Lee and Yancey Wm.
    1967 The Moynihan Report and the Politics of Controversy. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press.

    Redfield, Robert and Milton Singer
    1969(47) "The Folk Society." In Classic Essays on the Culture of Cities. N.Y: Meredith.

    Sassman, Marvin B
    1971 "Family Systems in the Seventies: Analyses, Policies and Programs," in Annals, No 396(1971), 40-56.

    Valentine, C.A.
    1968 Culture and Poverty: Critique and Counter Proposals. Chicago University Press.

  10. Relief, Development and Community Organization

    Clinard, M.D.
    1966 Slums and Community Development N.Y: Free Press.

    Maglaya, Felipe E.
    1978 Organizing People for Power. Asian Committee for People's Organization, 2-3-18 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan.

  11. The Land

    Angel, Shlomo and Stan Benjamin
    l976 "Seventeen Reasons Why the Squatter Problems Can't Be Solved." Ekistics 242, January 1976. Angel is philosopher of the first degree and it is out of years of extensive analysis of these South-east Asian issues that this article comes up with an unpalatable conclusion. It bears much consideration. They list 17 attitudes inherent in the minds of most government and planning people about squatters that result in an insoluble situation. For each of these a Christian response is required for here we are dealing with ethics and values. Here is a man who truly understands both the mind of the people and the issues of development.

    Brueggemann, Walter
    1977 The Land. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.

    Building Together Assoc. and NHA, Thailand
    l984 The Right to Stay: The Poor, The Land and The Law in Asian Cities, Building Together Notes

    Building Together Assoc. and NHA, Thailand
    l984 The Right to Stay: The Poor, The Land and The Law in Asian Cities. Building Together Notes from a seminar held January 26, 1984

    Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority
    1981 "Bustee Improvement Programme of CMDA: An Evaluative Study." In Calcutta Slums: Problems and Challenges. CASA. pp 6-23.

    Chowdhuri, B
    1983 "Bank Finance for Slum Dwellers in Calcutta Metropolitan District" in Calcutta Slums. pp 130-132. CASA

    Christian Aid
    c 1978 Housing: A Tale of Two Cities: London and Calcutta, London: Christian Aid.

    Davies, William
    1974 The Gospel and the Land. Berkeley: University of California Press.

    De Sarkar, P.K.
    1982 Policy, Planning and Programme for Development of Shelter, Infrastructure and Services with Special Reference to the City of Calcutta, Regional Congress of Local Authorities for Development of Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific, Yokohama, Japan. l982. This is a typical planners perspective on eliminating the unsightly, unhygienic problem of the slums. Goves a good overview of the government approach in Calcutta.

    Diaz, Ralph
    1982 "Restructuring Services to Reach the Urban Poor in Kuala Lumpur." in Assignment Children,vol no 57/58, 1982.

    Dr. Marukadas, C.
    1982 Problems of Urban Growth: A Case Study of Madras City, A paper presented to the Regional Congress of Local Authorities for Development of Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific, Yokohama, Japan, June l982. 93-l07.

    Drakakis-Smith D.W.
    1979 "The Role of the Private Sector in Housing the Urban Poor in Peninsular Malaysia." In Issues in Malaysian Development, James C. Jackson and Martin Rudner eds. Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong: Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd: 305-337.

    Fr. Garcia-Herreros, Rafael
    "A Barrio in Bogota." In New Covenant.

    Galantay, E.Y.
    l982 "Housing Policy and Settlement Planning as Instruments of Social Stability in S.E. Asia." Ekistics, Jan-Feb 1982.

    Grigg, Viv
    l986 The Kingdom of God and Land Rights, Urban Leadership Foundation.

    Gupta, Devendra B.
    "Urban Housing in India." World Bank Staff Working Papers Number 730. Madras, and Calcutta, 106-111, 111-118.

    Hollnsteiner, Mary Racelis
    c 1976 "City, Province, or Relocation Site: Options for Manila's Squatters." in Society, Culture and the Philippino. Institute for Philippine Studies, Atenao, Quezon City.
    1975 "Metamorphosis: From Tondo Squatter to Tondo Settler." In Ekistics, 238, September 1975
    1975 "Southeast Asia Low-Cost Housing Study, Penang Conference, April l974." In Ekistics 238, September l975.

    Hunt, Chester L.
    l980 "The Moth and the Flame: A Look at Manila's Housing Problems." Philippine Quarterly of Culture & Society. 99-l07.

    Jocano, F. Landa
    c 1974 Slums as a Way of Life. University of the Philippines Press. This an ethnography written in a comprehensive manner that also captures the dynamism of the slums in Manila.

    Johnstone, Mike
    1979 "Urban Squatters: Unconventional Housing in Peninsular Malaysia." In Journal of Tropical Geography. Vol 49, Dec 1979. Mike Johnstone in this early article has given one of the early attempts to create a typography of various aspects of slum life, creating a number of continuums and meditating on how these change during the process of ageing of the slum or the process of development.

    Juppenlatz, Morris
    l970 "A Case Study of Urban Squatter Relocation in the Philippines." In Cities in Transformation. University of Queensland Press: 88-l47.

    Kalaw, Mar
    1984 "Government Housing not Safe for Slum Families" .In Malaya. Jan l6-l7, l984.

    Keyes, William J.
    1983 Approaches to Financing of Unconventional Housing, Informal Systems of Financing. Regional Seminar on Financing of Low-Income Housing, Asian Development Bank, Manila.

    Lakshamanan A. and E. Rotner
    c 1984 "Madras, India: Low Cost Approaches to Managing Development." In The City Studies. World Bank, 81-93

    Lapierre, Dominique
    1986 City of Joy. Doubleday. This is a classic novel of an incarnational priest in a slum of Calcutta.

    Lopez-Gonzaga, Violeta
    c1986 The Prospects of Agrarian Reform in the Philippines: the Case of Sugarlandia. Unpublished paper.

    Madras Metropolitan Dev. Authority and World Bank
    l985 "The Madras Experience: Hard-won Successes in Sites and Services, Upgrading Projects." The Urban Edge. December 1985.

    Mangin, William
    l967 "Squatter Settlements." Scientific American. Vol. 2l7 No. 4, October 1967, 2l-29

    Martens, Elmer
    1981 God's Design: A Focus on Old Testament Theology. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.

    May, Roy
    1991 The Poor of the Land. Orbis

    National Housing Authority, Philippines
    c 1980 Operations Manual (Selected Sections); Metro Manila Zonal Improvement Program: Land for the Urban Poor.

    Pornchokchai, Sopon
    1984 House-Renters in Bangkok Slum-and-Squatter Settlements with Reference to 480 Existing Settlements. Building Together Association. 1985 1020 Bangkok Slums. School of Urban Research and Community Actions, 685/56 Jaransanitwong 68, Bangplad, Bangkok Noi, Bangkok 10700 Thailand
    These studies ((in separate books because of size) are perhaps the most impressive studies of any on the issues of renting, eviction etc. in a total city. They includes extensive maps of land ownership patterns, age, organisation etc. The second is an update on the basic research of the first.

    Reinert, Patty
    l986 "Refugee Housing: Inflation Will Not Affect Housing Program." The News. Mexico City, Sept l2 issue.

    Ross, Vicky
    1981 Land and Hunger: Philippines. Bread for the World Educational Fund Background Paper #55, July l98l.

    Sen, M.K.
    1974 The Rehousing and Rehabilitation of Squatters in Kuala Lumpur. Southeast Asia Low-cost Housing Study, Penang Conference, April l974.
    1975 "The Rehousing and Rehabilitation of Squatters and Slum Dwellers with Special Reference to Kuala Lumpur." Ekistics. September, 1975.

    Siddiqui, M.K.A.
    1984 "The Slums of Calcutta: A Problem and its Solution." In Calcutta Slums: Problems and Solutions. CASA, 5 Russell Street, Calcutta 700071, 47-63.
    1981 The Thika Tenancy Act, 1981. Government of West Bengal, Legislature, The Calcutta Gazette. Monday November 2, 1981. Siddiqui is the pre-eminent urban anthropologist of Calcutta and presents a comprehensive view of the slum context. The issue of land rights is basic and one part of an emerging solution is the Thika Tenancy Act, whereby the power of the land owners has been bought by the government, thus reducing the levels of exploitation from the Zamindars, and thikas of the slum dwellers.

  12. Indian Cities

    Abdi, S.N.M.
    1985 "Are These Men Dangerous?" The Illustrated Weekly of India. Dec 22, l985: 8-l3.

    Abraham, Aleyamma
    1987 Gospel in Action Fellowship: An Incarnational Ministry Among Urban Poor in India. Paper, School of World Mission, Fuller Theological Seminary.

    Alexander, Tany
    Liverpool and Calcutta: a Tale of Two Cities. A series of leaflets produced by Christian Aid, London.

    1984 "Bombay: The Darker Side of Success." Asiaweek, May 4, l984, 3l.

    Author Unknown
    1973 "Calcutta, India's Maligned Metropolis." National Geographic, April l973: 535-563.

    Barber, Ben
    c 1987 "Calcutta: The Soul Remains." Bangkok: Sawasdee, 48-54.

    Bhargava, Gopal and Dr. R.K. Arora
    1985 "India 200l AD: The Urban Scenario." Link, November l0, l985: 4-7.

    Bose, Nirmal Kumar
    Calcutta: A Premature Metropolis. Scientific American.

    De Sarkar, P.K.
    1982 "Policy, Planning and Programme for Development of Shelter, Infrastructure and Services with Special Reference to the City of Calcutta." From Voluntary Papers, Regional Congress of Local Authorities for Dev't. of Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific, June l982.

    Financial Times
    1976 "Calcutta: City of Contrasts." Financial Times, May l976.

    Grigg, Viv
    1987 Toward a Strategy for Discipling the Urban Poor of Calcutta. Urban Leadership Foundation.

    Gupta, Devendra B.
    "Urban Housing in India" (Sections on Madras and Delhi). World Bank Staff Working Papers No. 730.

    Houghton, Graham and Dr. Ezra Sargunam
    1982 "Church Planting Among the Urban Poor." Asia Pulse, Evangelical Missions Information Service, May l982 Vol l5, No. 2.

    Khandekar, Sreekant
    1986 "(Money Lenders) Their Pound of Flesh." India Today, Jan 3l, l986: 80-82.

    Lakshmanan, A. and E. Rotner
    c 1985 "Madras, India: Low-Cost Approaches to Managing Development." Cities in Conflict, a World Bank Symposium.

    Madras Metro Dev't. Authority and World Bank
    1985 "The Madras Experience: Hard Won Successes In Sites and Services, Upgrading Projects." The Urban Edge, Dec l985.

    Marukadas, C.
    1982 Problems of Urban Growth: A Case Study of Madras City. A paper presented at the Regional Congress of Local Authorities for Dev't. of Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific, June l982.

    Meier, Richard L.
    "Delhi, Calcutta and Bombay." In Urban Futures Observed in the Asian Third World. Pergamon Press, chapter 6: l20-l57.

    Mukherjee, Sudhendu
    1982 "Who Are These Pavement Dwellers?" From Voluntary Papers, Regional Congress of Local Authorities for Dev't. of Human Settlements in Asia and Pacific, June l982.

    Preger, Jack
    1985 "The Rooting Out of the Rootless". Point Counterpoint, July 8, l985.

    Rajkumar, P.V.
    c 1985 "Local Finance and City Governments in India with Special Reference to the City of Madras." A paper presented at the Regional Congress of Local Authorities for Dev't. of Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific.

    Siddiqui, M.K.A.
    1969 "Life in the Slums of Calcutta." Economic and Political Weekly, Dec l3, l969: l9l7-l92l.

    Tiwari, Rajiv
    1985 "Project Mega Capital." Link, Nov l0, l985: 7-8.

    Williams, Theodore
    c 1985 "India, A Seething Subcontinent." The Church in Asia: chap 10.

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