Family Spirituality

For Families:

  1. Family Stresses in Urban Ministry
  2. Roles of Pastor's Wifes
  3. Case Study: Families Thriving with Servants. Discuss.


For Singles:

  1. The Spirituality of Singleness (Chiraphone) (ppt)
  2. Discussion on Readiness for Slum Leadership
  4. Readings

    The Spirituality of Apostolic Singleness

    Practical Exercise

  5. Husband/WIfe Analysis
  6. or SIngle People's Analysis
  7. Spouses or fiancees are invited to join the class.


Related Readings

Learning Objectives

1.Reflect with your spouse as to issues that need to be addressed in sustaining a healthy marriage among the poor.

2. Understand the effect of stress on spirituality and family by identifying three major stressors and determining changes of lifestyle or spiritual practices to cope with them.

Action & Assignments

1. Report on Spiritual Growth group. Discuss who will lead it after you are gone.

2. Complete either

(Take your spouse out for dinner and discuss).

3. Pass in draft plan for Spiritual direction. Arrange time to conect with professor and discuss


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