Prior Study in the MATUL

The course is built on prior learning in earlier courses (505 Language and Culture Aquisition; 530 Urban Spiritulaity; 520 Urban Poor Churchplanting). If these courses hav not been taken, students need read the following materials prior to the first class and complete the related assignments. These will not be added to grades but are required to pass this course.

  • Issues in incarnational Leadership, insider outsider roles, roles and status, (505 Language and Culture Aquisition).
  • Development of apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic and diaconal Leadership (developed in 620 Transformational Development) in emerging churches (520 Urban Poor Churchplanting).
  • Leadership in multiple phases of life (530 Urban Spirituality).
  • Identification and development of personal spiritual leadership gifts (530 Urban Spirituality).
  • Relationship of poverty to leadership emergence (520 Urban Poor Churchplanting).
  • Women and family issues in church leadership (520 Urban Poor Churchplanting).

Grigg, Viv (2005). Leadership for Multiplying Movements. Cry of the Urban Poor. GA, USA: Authentic Media.

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