Class/Consultation Registration
Registration Details:
Name: Pr/Mrs/Mr/Miss First names: _____________________Last name: ______________________________
Date of Birth: day________month _________year___________
Single/married/separated/divorced/widowed (Please circle the correct one)
How many children (ages)__________________
Postal Address if different to the above: _________________________________________________
Telephone No: ________________________ Email address: __________________
Educational Qualifications:
Primary School - 5yrs to 12yrs: Yes/No (circle one)
Secondary School – 13 to16yrs+: Yes/No (circle one)
Graduate from Secondary School? Yes/No (circle one)
Do you hold any tertiary qualifications (University, Bible School etc)? Yes/No (circle one)
Qualification and the year attained.
Community Service details:
Have you served in any community service roles whether paid or voluntary?
Please state the details, names of organisation, roles, dates of service etc.
Name of organisation/church you work for or are associated with:
Postal address of that organisation/church
Name of the leader you are accountable to: ______________________
Do you have a spiritual mentor/supervisor? Yes/ No
If you answer was Yes, please provide details of the mentor/supervisor;
Name:__________________________________________________ PostalAddress
Tel. No. __________________Email Address:___________________
Christian history:
When did you become a Christian? Year________
When were you baptised? Year_______
When did you become a Church member? Year_______
How long have you been a Church leader? Years_______
What experience have you had as an urban poor church planter?
What experience have you had as an urban poor church worker?
What Churches or organisations have you served with during this time? Please give a brief history of you service with these the latest of these churches/organisations?
In what role did you serve in each of these churches/organisations?
Character References:
Please provide the names of two Christian leaders who know you well and could provide a character reference about you?
Name:_______________________________________ Title:_______________
Postal address: _______________________________________________________
Name:__________________________________________________ Title:_______________
Postal address:
Do you own your own computer? Yes/No
Make of the Computer?______________Model?____________________________
Operating System?_Windows 98, 2000, XP, _______(Circle one)
Do you have Microsoft power point software? Yes/No
Do your own your own TV? Yes/No
Do you own a DVD player? Yes/No
Is the above equipment available for use for 2-5 hours per week for the grass roots training program?
Fill in and give to the training coordinator on the first day of training.
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