1. Reading: Point of Attack

On the one hand Jesus knew exactly what he was doing. He had very clear strategies, defining where his disciples should go.  On the other hand, he did not waste a lot of time on research. Proclamation was his means of identifying spiritual needs. If the people responded then stay there. If not, move on. But this was within his own country, where his team knew the people.   When crossing barriers the complexities are much more significant and reserch is required.   

This requires sensitivity to the leading of the Spirit. The beginning of most new churches are directed by him.  But our research and planning can give us discernemnt as to what he is saying. 

Why one should not do a survey of physical needs is an important topic.  By dong so one raises expectations of money flows. IS that your objective.  A better approach is simply to go, hang out, be with the people and preach so theyknow why you are there.In the process you will discern the community needs.  This goes agaisnt the practice of highly structured non-prfit community development organizations, but their objective is money transfer and delivery of their programs. 

The use of ethnographic techniques to know a community are developed in TUL540 and in TUL670 and TUL675   

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