
The Spirit off God works through our humanness, utilising its gifting, minimizing the dark side of those gifts, enhancing personality, transforming character. To work with him, self-understanding is a critical dimension. It is central to the Catholic/ Mainline church concept of spiritual direction. It is not spirituality, simply an aspect of working with the Holy Spirit. He is one who empowers and transforms.

Read Danil Colitz, Are Plants Conscious?

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, a psychological theory, while lacking an empirical basis gives a framework for considering holistic growth over time.

Leadership Giftings (ppt) (Reviewed 2 modules ago)
Fivefold Ministries Questionnaire (Reviewed 2 modules ago)
Motivational Evaluation
Spiritual Checkup
Directional Spirituality
To explore other testing options look at

Developing a Rule of Life

2 Year Spiritual Development Plan
Details of a Spiritual Formation Plan

Spirituality Through the Lifespans

Discuss the PowerPoint Values Spirituality

Spiritual Growth is a process for a lifetime till we meet with the Lord. We need to consider God and time. His time begins and ends so it has direction. It is not cyclic, but it is periodic. There is much in the scriptures about seasons (See Ecc 3:1-11). Knowing the season can enable a wise response to that season.

What then is our lifelong goal?
And given the goal what are the stages of growth? There are two directions to explore with this:
(1) the nature of our humanness - human development as we age. Here we can draw on the social sciences.
(2) spiritual development appropriate to each stage, defined by the issues that are focal at that stage, but based on the scriptural responses to that phase.
There are a number of psychological, educational and moral theories of human development. Fowler has sought to integrate these into phases of spiritual growth.
These are further developed in the Movement Leadership course

Related Readings

Learning Objectives

Praxis: Adequately evaluate motivations, emotional fitness and character preparation for urban ministry.

Understanding of the Biblical basis of the relationship of the work of the Holy Spirit and our humanness, and of the importance of self-knowledge and of living fully human in this relationship.

Action & Assignments

1.Do the analysis in each of the tests. Pass in. (Please be circumspect about your conclusions with others and do not presume on counselling others in the class beyond your level of expertise).

2. Plan and lead spiritual growth group. Report.

3. Connect with professor and talk through the findings of the self-analysis tests.

4. Integrate the results from these tests into your two year plan, identifying how to build on your strengths, how to master potential besetting or deeep level sins and how to overcome your weaknesses.


1.What is the difference between psychoanalysis, spiritual direction, self analysis, and Spirituality?

2. What is the relationship of the human and the divine in spirituality? Can we be fully spiritual if we are not fully human? What does it mean to be fully human? In what way was Jesus fully human and fully divine?