Urban Theology


A brief review of the urban foci within the scripture. This is revision of material in TUL500.


  1. Discuss David Lim's article.
  2. Transformational Conversations Approach to Urban Theology.
  3. Describe which of the theogies in Six Fulcum for Urban Poor Theologies inform your understanding of the poor.
  4. Consider the nature of truth in Rejection of Reductionism

Story-Telling Theology

(if not previously covered in TUL500)

  1. The Art of Story-telling (power point)- Bryan Johnson
  2. Developing a Story for Class
  3. The Turtle and The Monkey - an example of cultural storytelling


    Van Engen, Charles. (1996). What is Missions Theology? In  Mission on the Way: Issues in Mission Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House. Pp 17-31

Lim, David. The City in the Bible. Unpublished Paper.

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