Use these to evaluate what is in place and what the next
steps are. Please pass on a copy to Urban Leadership Foundation as it will
help us with further and more accurate analysis of cities. (Our address is
on first page of this manual)
Name of City_______________________ Region__________
Name of Person Responding_______________________
Is there in your city:
1. A key city networker/coordinator Y/N
Institutional Structure_____________________
2. A Functioning City Leadership Team Y/N
Level of Functionality?__________________________________
3. Unity Among City Pastors Y/N
Which groups?______________________________________________
4. Citywide Prayer Movement Y/N
5. City Research Activity Y/N
6. Adopt-a-City Partnership Y/N
Which City?______________________
7. A City Strategy Consultation Y/N
When? _________________________
8. Church-planting Planned Together Y/N
Name of Venture?_____________________________
9. Impact on Secular City Leadership and Structures Y/N
Which Sectors?____________________________________________