Competency Profiles as Basis for MA in Transformational Urban Leadership Course Design By Course

This is a summary of inputs from the WEA Missions Commission Cross-cultural profiling process, the Encarnacao Brasil and Bangkok gatherings,

NCIBC, and ten grassroots training conferences. It includes comprehensive cross-cultural, and churchplanter outcomes, but movement leadership

and specialist ministry outcomes need more refining. Ongoing profiling discussions will add or delete some of these. The next step is to compare

the proposed courses with these and see what is missing, then to redefine these with appropriate language for level 7 and 8 outcomes e.g.

experience "living in a slum community" needs to be redefined as something like, "critically evaluate an experienceof living in a slum

community". The step after that is to ask which of the outcomes for each course should actually be evaluated and how, as we can rarely evaluate

everything. These were largely derived by looking at the goals of the program in terms of progressions from evangelist, pasttor, teacher, comm

development worker into apostolic and broad scale crosscultural movement leadership roles, but I have laid them out according to proposed

course as at this point that helps show the deficiencies of both this process and the courses proposed
Competency Profiles as Basis for Course Design of the MA in Transformational Urban
Course: OO OO Overall Course Goals

Competency Skill Knowledge Value Character
Course: OO OO Overall Course Goals
To lay academic and practical To lay practical foundations for To lay academic foundations for

foundations for urban poor workers, urban poor workers, pastors, urban poor workers, pastors, those

pastors, those in professions and city those in professions and city in professions and city leaders to

leaders to expand indigenous theologies leaders to expand indigenous expand indigenous theologies and

and city strategies for church planting theologies and city strategies city strategies for church planting

and societal transformation. for church planting and societal and societal transformation.

To increase leaders' capacities to found To increase leaders' capacities

new church planting missions and to found new church planting

movements, development agencies and missions and movements,

indigenous churches led by slum dwellers. development agencies and

indigenous churches led by

slum dwellers.
To produce effective urban poor workers skills to engage entrepreneurial comprehensive knowledge to

with comprehensive knowledge and skills expertise for long-term sustain long-term servant-

to sustain long-term servant-leadership solutions through multiplying leadership roles among the urban

roles among the urban poor and engage transformative movements.

entrepreneurial expertise for long-term

solutions through multiplying

transformative movements.
Summary for Course = OO (3 competencies)
Course: TUL505 TUL505 Language and Culture Learning
Understands relationship between Mastery of a second language Understands relationship between

language learning, symbols, gestures, to level of everyday language learning, symbols,

roles and communication, incarnational gestures, roles and

cross-cultural relationships, redemptive communication, incarnational

analogies, and methods used by cross-cultural relationships,

outsiders to acquire language skills in a

non-formal manner

29/01/2007 5:24:32 p.m.Developed by Viv Grigg, 2000-2007, Please send comments, additions, suggestions, and lots need revising Page 1 of 23
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Last updated: 10/29/08.