Competency Profiles as Basis for Course Design of the MA in Transformational Urban
Course: TUL550 TUL550 Street Children's Ministries

Competency Skill Knowledge Value Character
Can counsel street children Able to identify issues Has a familiarity with a range of

requiring counselling among counselling tools for street children

street kids and to apply

appropriate counselling tools
Develop a five year plan, for their Develop a five year plan, for

street childrens ministry, expand their their street childrens ministry,

funding process and initiate the next step. expand their funding process

and initiate the next step.
Summary for Course = TUL550 (11 competencies)
Course: TUL555 TUL555 Educational Centre Development
ability to propose a plan for either a design and initiate a new Understands the benefits

vocational training program or an early preschool, elementary or or early childhood

childhood training program. Integrate vocational educational centre education and has the

social and spiritual goals. that contibutes to the growth of ability to explain those

an urban poor church benefits to the parents of

children in a slum

Understands the milestones in Understands the milestones in

development of an early childhood development of an early childhood

services delivery process services delivery process
Aware of processes involved in setting Can create the core of a Aware of processes involved in Values education as a

up an educational institution in the slums business plan doe a slum setting up an educational means to escape poverty

institution in the slums
Understands the benefits or early Understands the benefits or early

childhood education and has the ability to childhood education and has the

explain those benefits to the parents of ability to explain those benefits to

children in a slum community. the parents of children in a slum

Summary for Course = TUL555 (4 competencies)
Course: TUL560 TUL560 Economics for Urban Poor Workers
Have developed principles and Have identified processes of are able as a group to debate the Hardworking (2 Tim 2:4)

experience in Kingdom economics cooperative economics in their relationships of nine major

communities and have economic principles in Genesis,

concluded what steps the Jubilee, the Gospel, Acts and the

church can take to utilise these Epistles
Skilful in formation of small economic Can generate and utilise a Understand Kingdom Eoncomic Accountability with Accountability with finances

enterprises among believers and the budget,and set up a principles, particularly cooperative

community bookkeeping system with ecoomic principles

yearly accounts for one tye of

cooperative group

29/01/2007 5:24:33 p.m.Developed by Viv Grigg, 2000-2007, Please send comments, additions, suggestions, and lots need revising Page 13 of 23
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Last updated: 10/29/08.