Competency Profiles as Basis for Course Design of the MA in Transformational Urban
Course: TUL530 TUL530 Urban Poor Church Leadership
CompID Competency Skill Knowledge Value Character
Able to critically move into Identifies lifestyle and physical Able to differentiate the positive Highly value incarnational Identifies with the poor

levels of incarnational and issues that enable viability of and negative elements of and identificational

identificational approaches to long-term incarnation among the ministry from the outside, and approaches to ministry

ministry among the poor, able to poor, limits to incarnational living, ministry from within poor areas among the poor

identify 5 effective roles in differentiating between lack of

commitment and wise

discernment of personal limitations
Critically analyzed a ministry of Critically analyzed a ministry of

discipling/church-planting and discipling/church-planting and

community development in community development in which

which they are serving, as basis, they are serving, as basis,

within six months, to implement within six months, to implement

action steps that extend one action steps that extend one area

area of expansion of the church of expansion of the church
Design a theology and strategy Design a strategy for Design a theology for

for churchplanting in an area. churchplanting in an area. churchplanting in a slum.
Developed and initiated a training Developed and initiated a training

plan for coaching of a team that plan for coaching for a team that

includes either grass roots includes either grass roots

church planters and/or church planters and/or

deacons/deaconesses deacons/deaconesses
enter and live in a poor area and establish intital evangelistic enter and live in a poor

establish intital evangelistic strategies leading to cell groups

strategies leading to cell groups
Present a critical analysis of the Present a critical analysis of the

relationship of the Kingdom of relationship of the Kingdom of

God to aspects of the God to aspects of the

churchplanting including areas of churchplanting including areas of

Kingdom and church, Kingdom Kingdom and church, Kingdom

and social issues such as AIDS, and social issues such as AIDS,

slum education, Kingdom and slum education, Kingdom and
Able to inform church of Able to inform Understands missionary task Mission motivators heart

missionary task
Detects cross cultural bridges Concepts of cross-cultural

for evangelism
Knows a theology of pastoral care Knows basics of a theology of

pastoral care
Has demonstrated compassion Has demonstrated compassion Good deeds

for people of other faiths for people of other faiths
Shows flexibility (can change Flexible

and adapt plans)
Knows and utilises primary Knows and utilises primary the nature, strengths and Seeks God's anointing on

spiritual gifts spiritual gifts weaknesses of the five these

leadership gifts of Eph 4:11,12

29/01/2007 5:39:49 p.m.Developed by Viv Grigg, 2000-2006, Please send comments, additions, suggestions, and lots need revising Page 10 of 29
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Last updated: 10/29/08.