Competency Profiles as Basis for Course Design of the MA in Transformational Urban
Course: TUL540 TUL540 Urban Reality & Theology
CompID Competency Skill Knowledge Value Character

Course Objectives: An interface of traditional Western systematic theology with contextual urban theologies. Candidates will gain

confidence and develop processes of urban story telling approaches to developing indigenous slum theology.

TUL540 Urban Theology Process

Theology of the city, sociological and anthropological theories on the creation and culture of cities and urban systems

are introduced. (e.g. urban religious movements and development; macro-economic policies impacting slums;

informal sector development)

An introduction to applied research and evaluation emphasises qualitative action and church growth research for use

in churches, urban ministries, missions, and development organizations. Applied research is presented as a

systematic inquiry designed to provide information to decision makers and/or groups concerned with particular human

and societal problems. Christian perspective on the purpose and practice of urban research is of special interest with

a bias to non-intrusive and anthropological approaches to urban research.
Describe and illustrate the Describe and illustrate the

essential elements of managing essential elements of managing

research and evaluation projects research and evaluation projects

in sensitive communities in sensitive communities
Able to inobtrusively conduct Skilled in entrance to a Understands participant-observer Values non-intrusive Seeks to meet needs

needs research in a community community in the five roles of and needs research research methodolgies

using participant-observer learner, servant, story-teller,

Frame questions in a manner Frame questions in a manner that

that can facilitate research and can facilitate research and

evaluation design and strategies evaluation design and strategies

while focusing on stakeholder while focusing on stakeholder

interests interests
Compare and contrast major Describe the primary differences Compare and contrast major

theoretical orientations of urban between and relative strengths theoretical orientations of urban

research design. Describe the and weaknesses of qualitative research design

primary differences between and and quantitative approaches to

relative strengths and research and evaluation

weaknesses of qualitative and

quantitative approaches to

research and evaluation
Design a church growth or Design a church growth or

community study that identifies community study that identifies

a problem or purpose, frames a problem or purpose, frames

questions, proposes a specific questions, proposes a specific

qualitative or quantitative qualitative or quantitative

method, identifies the data to be method, identifies the data to be

collected, and proposes the collected, and proposes the

analysis strategy with analysis strategy with anticipated
Explain the implications of Explain the implications of

Christian theism on research Christian theism on research

design and implementation design and implementation

29/01/2007 5:39:49 p.m.Developed by Viv Grigg, 2000-2006, Please send comments, additions, suggestions, and lots need revising Page 12 of 29
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Last updated: 10/29/08.