Competency Profiles as Basis for Course Design of the MA in Transformational Urban
Course: TUL560 TUL560 Small Business Development
CompID Competency Skill Knowledge Value Character
Understands the benefits of have the ability to explain those Understands the benefits of small

small business development benefits to poor slum dwellers business development using a

using a micro-enterprise funding and encourage saving and wise micro-enterprise funding model

model and have the ability to financial management among the

explain those benefits to poor urban poor.

slum dwellers and encourage

saving and wise financial

management among the urban
Understands the benefits of Interpret economic indicators, Critically evaluate the means of

small business development read financial statements, fostering entrepreneurship and

using a micro-enterprise funding understand simple book-keeping innovation, enunciate business

model and have the ability to and banking concepts and goals and objectives and

explain those benefits to poor evaluate the viability of small formulate strategic plans for

slum dwellers and encourage specific small business ventures

saving and wise financial

management among the urban
Interpret economic indicators, Interpret economic indicators,

read financial statements, read financial statements,

understand simple book-keeping understand simple book-keeping

and banking concepts and and banking concepts and

evaluate the viability of small evaluate the viability of small

business ventures, develop business ventures, develop

strategies to respond to business strategies to respond to business
Report on the viability and Report on the viability and

income earning potential of three income earning potential of three

micro-enterprise projects given micro-enterprise projects given

out as case studies, or out as case studies, or

investigated in a slum investigated in a slum community

community if possible and with if possible and with permission of

permission of the micro- the micro-enterprise
Relate well to a slum Relate well to a slum community,

community, find budding find budding entrepreneurs and

entrepreneurs and critically critically evaluate processes of

evaluate processes of fostering fostering entrepreneurship and

entrepreneurship and innovation, innovation, enunciate business

enunciate business objectives objectives and formulate

and formulate strategic plans for strategic plans for specific small

specific small business business ventures
Demonstrates moral integrity Honesty
Knows Biblical ethical principles Biblical ethics in host culture and

and applies them own culture
Values and practices honesty, Has managed finances within a Can verbalise the issues of Values honesty, justice Honest and just

justice and integrity project or church in such a way integrity required in management and integrity

that accountability and integrity of finances for a church or

have been manifest.

29/01/2007 5:39:49 p.m.Developed by Viv Grigg, 2000-2006, Please send comments, additions, suggestions, and lots need revising Page 17 of 29
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Last updated: 10/29/08.