Start Page Overall Program 500 Writings, Reign, Reality 505 Lang & Cult 520 Urban Spirituality 530 Churchplanting 540 Urban Reality 550 Marginalised 555 Education in Slums 560 Community Economics 570 Field Supervision II 620 Movement Leadership 630Commun'y Transf'n 640 Entrepreneurial Leadership 650a HIV and AIDS 650b Primary Health 655a Land Rights 655b Advocacy 660 Field Supervision II 670 Integration Seminar Bibliography MATUL

Reading Strategy

Before you start reading, define your strategy for the course, so that what you read helps you do the assessment task.  

Select the chapters from the various texts available that seem appropriate to your assessment task.

Refer to the Course Readings page to see what readings are recommended for each topic.

There is a difference between reading and browsing.  When you read you are studying in detail.  Much of the time we are better to browse.  To browse, study the headings, the intro paragraphs, and the conclusions, then stop at significant points in between as you browse through. Go quickly when browsing - about 3 times as fast as normal reading.

You may well be able to achieve the goals of the course by reading less pages if you plan your reading strategy well.   Make sure you select readings that cover all the areas required by the assessment tasks.

Aim to read in order to accomplish the assessment task.

Ideally develop the reading log in the computer as a database of author, title, no of pages etc, and comments.  Else on a single page. From each book chapter or reading develop one paragraph for final papers, either a quote or a summary of a key idea. 1000 pages of reading and browsing expected.  Most of the articles for browsing are optional. Keep it simple.

© Viv Grigg, other materials © by various contributors & Urban Leadership Foundation,   Last modified: April 2007