Training Commission Funding Plan Requirement of Partnering Schools

Our current task as a commission is

To serve the Encarnaηγo Alliance (and other networks) in the training at a masters level of 5000 workers  to give a breadth of reflective leadership within holistic churchplanting movements among the urban poor, by facilitating the launch of the MA in Transformational Urban Leadership or an equivalent BA through partnering institutions in each continent to a sustainable level, and the integration of derivative grassroots programs into the grassroots trainers network.

It has become apparent that the following is a requirement on the partnering schools to accomplish this goal:

Each program director is required to have a yearly fundraising plan in place

¨      With optimal level budgets for foundations that includes all actual and hidden program costs (such as personal support raising of staff, course design costs by partnering agencies (show as both an other expense and an other income), general admin costs on the program, etc)

¨      and minimum budgets used internally with the school administration for cost control

¨      identification of both local and international potential donors

¨      timelines for proposal development and submission

¨      a core "case study" of up to 7 pages including budget

¨      identification of responsible staff for each milestone

It is suggested that this be easiest done in Microsoft project or compatible program, plus excel spreadsheets.

This simple plan, and simple evaluation of the previous years activities and results, to be submitted yearly to the Training commission, as way of applying some small pressure in a good direction.

We recognize that such planning does not usually go according to predictions, that we are used to developing works on shoestrings, and that behind all such work is the sovereign provision of God in answer to groups of praying people.

(Please modify the above in MSWord reviewer and feed back by Jan 30th)

Last updated: 10/29/08.