Some Publications by Viv Grigg
1984 Companion to the Poor, Albatross Books: Sydney.
· 1990, 2nd edition MARC: Monrovia, CA.
· 2006, rev edn, London: Authentic.
· 2010 3rd Edition. Auckland: Urban Leadership Foundation.
· 1990 tr. in German. Mit den armen leben. Wolfgang Simson Verlag: Lorrach.
· 1988 tr. in Portuguese Servos Entre Os Pobres. Comibam/Aura Books: Sao Paulo, Brazil.
§ 2006 rev edn Ultimato: Curitiba
· 1994. tr. in Spanish Siervos Entre Los Pobres, Nueva Creacion: Buenos Aires and Eerdmans.
· 1995. tr. in Korean, _______________________, IVP: Seoul.
· 2005 tr. Indian Tamil edition, YWAM: Chennai.
· 2021. tr. Russian.
ISBN 978-617-7374-47-2.
- 1992-1997 (Revised yearly) Transforming Cities: An Urban Leadership Guide, Auckland: Urban Leadership Foundation.
- 2000 Creating an Auckland Business Theology. Urban Leadership Foundation. 80 pp.
- 2009 The Spirit of Christ and the Postmodern City. Auckland: Urban Leadership Foundation and Lexington, KY: Emeth Press.
- 2010 Conversations on Economic Discipleship. Auckland: Urban Leadership Foundation.
- 2016 Kiwinomics. Auckland: Urban Leadership Foundation.
- 2019 Slum Dwellers’ Theology: Pedagogy in the Slums. Auckland: Urban Leadership Foundation.
- 1985 Servants Movements: Protestant Orders with Vows of Non-Destitute Poverty. Urban Leadership Foundation.
- 1986 The Lifestyle and Values of Servants, Urban Leadership Foundation.
- 1986 Towards a Strategy for Reaching the Mega-Cities of the Third World. Urban Leadership Foundation.
- 1998 Vision for Auckland. Urban Leadership Foundation, 32pp.
- 2000 Urban Theology as Transformational Conversation: Hermeneutics for the Post-Modern Cities. Auckland: Urban Leadership Foundation.
- 2001 Biblical Reflections on Land and Land Rights. Urban Leadership Foundation. 64 pp.
- 2003 The Radical Discontinuity of Jesus-Style Seminaries in the Slums.
Some Professional Papers, Book Chapters and Articles
- 1984 Renewal Streams, Prophetic Structures and Asia's Urban Poor.
- 1985 Servants Movements: Protestant Orders with Vows of Non-Destitute Poverty. Urban Leadership Foundation
- 1987 "Sorry the Frontier Moved!" Urban
Missions, 4:4 (March 1987),12-25.
tr in Portuguese . "Desculpe! A Fronteira Mudou-Se." Teologico, Sociedade Dos Estudantes de Teologia Evangelica: Sao Paulo - 1989 "Cities of God - Cities of Men." 3 part series in Challenge Weekly: Auckland , November 1989.
- 1987 "The Urban Poor: Prime Missionary Target." Evangelical Review of Theology, July 1987, pp 261-272. Reprinted 1989 in Urban Ministry in Asia, chap 18 , Asia Theological Association, pp 185-197.
- 1989 " Squatters, The Most Responsive Unreached Bloc." Urban Missions, 6:5 (May 1989), 41-50.
- 1992 "Church of the Poor." In Discipling the City: A Comprehensive Approach to Urban Mission Baker: Grand Rapids, Michigan, 159-170.
- 1993 "Reaching the Cities." In Vision New Zealand Congress, Vision New Zealand, 429 Queen Street , Auckland.
- 1993 "Intercessors and Cosmic Urban Spiritual Warfare." International Journal of Frontier Missions Vol 10:4 Oct 1993.
- 1995. tr into Korean. Korea AD2000 Movement and Beyond by Jubilee Tech International.
- 1995 "Spiritual Warfare and the Poor in the Gateway Cities." In Praying Through the 100 Gateway Cities, C. Peter Wagner, Mark Peters, eds. YWAM Publishing: Seattle.
- tr. into Korean by the Korea AD2000 Movement and Beyond by Jubilee Tech International.
- tr. into Portuguese "La Guerra Espiritual y los Pobres en las Ciudades de Acesso". In Orando por Las 100 Ciudades de Accesso a la Ventana 10/40, C Peter Wagner, Stephen Peters y Mark Wilson, eds. Editorial Unilit.
- 1997 "Transforming the Soul of Kiwi Cities." In New Vision New Zealand Vol 11(1997) , Bruce Patrick, ed., Auckland: Vision New Zealand.
- 1997 "Transforming the Soul of the Nation." In New Vision New Zealand Vol III , Bruce Patrick, ed., Auckland: Vision New Zealand.
- 2000. Apostolic Orders with Vows of Non-Destitute Poverty. 2nd edn. Urban Leadership Foundation.
- 2003. Jesus Seminary in the Slums.
- 2004. Radical Restructuring of the Seminary
- 2005 "Forward". In Quest for Hope in the Slum Community: A Global Urban Reader, Scott Bessenecker, ed., Waynesborough, GA: Authentic, pp 1-2.
- 2005 " Never the Same Again: Face to Face with Poverty", "To Have or Not to Have? Economically Just Lifestyles", With Justice for All", reprinted in Quest for Hope in the Slum Community: A Global Urban Reader, Scott Bessnecker, ed., Waynesborough, GA: Authentic, pp39-44;45-50;269-282.
- 2010. Hovering Spirit, Creative Voice, Empowered Transformation: A Retrospective. Living Mission, Scott Bessnecker ed. IVP Books. pp 23-35.
- 2011 Urbanization. Dictionary of scripture and ethics.J.B. Green, ed. Grand Rapids:Baker Book House. pp 799-801.
- 2012. Uma igreja relevante e encarnada - discipulado economico [The Incarnate and Relevant Church - Economic Discipleship]. Lutando para igreja. [Battle for the Church]. A. Ramos & R.Bituin, eds. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Vox Litteris, Editorial Hagnos. pp 219-235.
- 2012 Hovering Spirit, Creative Voice, Empowered Transformation: A Retrospective. Bangkok: The New Urban World Journal. Vol 1:1. Stephen Burris, ed. Bangkok: International Society of Urban Mission.
- 2014. Economic Discipleship: Vulnerability to Liberate the Vulnerable. Global Missiology English. Enoch Wan, Ed.
- 2017. Report: Design of Cell-Based Delivery of MATUL Content to Slum Pastors. Report on Creative Teaching Grant, Azusa Pacific Seminary.
- 2017. A Biblical Theology of Land and Ownership. Urban Shalom and the Cities we Need. Urban Shalom Publishing. pp 193-213.
- 2018. From Slum Learning Networks to Urban Institutes. Micah Global Network. (2017). Report: Design of Cell-Based Delivery of MATUL Content to Slum Pastors. Report on Creative Teaching Grant, Azusa Pacific Seminary. (2017). A Biblical Theology of Land and Ownership. Urban Shalom and the Cities we Need. Urban Shalom Publishing. pp 193-213. (2018). From Slum Learning Networks to Urban Institutes. Micah Global Network.
- 2020. Poorology: Getting the Seminary into the Slums. In Relentless Love. Graham Joseph Hill, ed. Micah Global and Langham Publishing.
- 2021. Kingdom Flourishing and Land Rights. William Carey International Journal. Nov, 2021.
Some Popular Articles
- 1979-80 "Discipleship", "Discipleship and Self: The Beatitudes", "Discipleship and Possessions." Reach Communique, Manila: Reach, Vol 1:2, 2:1, 2:3
- 1984 "The Poor Wise Man and ytrevoP the Demon." The Reaper: pp 16-19. Bible College of New Zealand: Auckland. August 1984. Reprinted in World Mission Guide, World Christian Magazine: Los Angeles, pp 9-11, 1988
- 1987 "The Poor Wise Man of Calcutta." Urban Missions, 5:2 (Nov 1987): 43-44
- Korean Translations of articles in Gospel and Context, 1995:8, pp 76-81, 9:112-117, 1996, 1997
- 1988 "Of Barefoot Dentists... and Rich Young Rulers." Urban Missions, May 1988 and Transformation 1991, No 1, p25.
- 1992 "AD2000 Cities Track Partnering Missions to Reach Cities." in AD2000 Cities Track News, Vol 1:1.
- 1992 "A Crucial Hour for the 1000 Least Evangelized Cities" , In Cities and Slums Newsletter, Vole 1:2, June 1992
- 1992 "AD2000 Sister Cities Network", In Cities and Slums News, Vol 1:3, Sep 1993.
- 1992 "Living Among the Poor." In World Vision, Oct/Nov 1992, pp 19,20.
- 1995 " Unified Leadership: The Key to Revival Within Our Cities." New Zealand Baptist, June 1995
- 1996 "Development Perspectives in Cities" in Tear Talk, July, 1996.
- 1996 " The Cost of Intercession: Reflections on a Calcutta Love Story." New Zealand Baptist, June 1996.
- 2000 Urban Theology as Transformational Conversation: Hermeneutics for the Post-Modern Cities, Auckland: Urban Leadership Foundation.
Some Conference Involvements
- 1989 Laussanne Congress on World Evangelization, Manila. Two Sessions on Ministering to the Urban Poor.
- 1993 VisionNZ Congress plenary on Reaching the Cities
- 1995 Global Congress On World Evangelization, Seoul , Korea. Plenary Session on Reaching the Global Cities. Leader of the AD2000 Cities Network.
- 1996 Mission Korea 96, a gathering of eight student movements, plenary on The Cry of the Urban Poor and seminars.
- 1996 AD2000 Urban Poor Network, Hong Kong. Leadership team , several seminars, plenary
- 1997 Vision NZ Congress plenary on Transformation of the Nation.
- Numerous City Leadership Consultations in nations and cities.
- 1997 Korean Students for Christ plenary and seminar
- 1998 Korean Students for Christ plenary address, The Poor Wise Manand seminars
- 1998 Asbury Seminary, Kingdom Conference, keynote speaker, The Cosmic Christ in Cities From Helland forums.
· The Incarnate Christ in the Underside of Anti-Christian Megalopolises
· The Poor You Will Have With You Always - Did Jesus Really Mean This?
· The Poor Wise Man and YTREVOP the Demon
· Releasing Holiness: Fires of Reconciliation, Restitution and Citywide Revival
· Discipling the Poor: The Challenge of Integrating Social Responsibility, Evangelism and Discipleship
· The City of God is a Multiethnic Party - Starting Now!
· Cosmic Christ - Transformer of the Soul of a Nation
· 1996, 1997, 1998. Australian AD2000 National Leadership Consultations as plenary speaker
· 1999. Vision for Auckland Huis, organiser, keynote address on Six Battlefronts in Auckland
· 2000. Transformational Conversations: Developing Indigenous Theologies hui, Auckland, facilitator.
· 2001. Biola Missions Conference, addresses, Reaching the Poor of Asia's Mega-Cities, The Judgement of God on a Post modern City.
· 2008. RENAS Brazil, keynote, Jesus-style Seminary in the Slums
· 2009. Sao Paulo, Brazil. Igreja Relevamente e Incarnacional
· 2009. Revitalization Consultation, Asbury Seminary, The Spirit of Christ and the Postmodern City. KY: Asbury Seminary, Oct 2009.
· 2013. (February). Multiplying Millions in Holistic Slum Movements: Apostolic and Diaconal Perspectives. Presentation given at the second gathering of the International Society of Urban Missions. Bangkok, Thailand.
· 2013. Theology and Practice of Land Rights. Conference plenary address and workshop presented at the Call2Compassion and Justice conference. Mumbai, India.
· 2013. Economic Discipleship: Vulnerability to Liberate the Vulnerable. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Alliance for Vulnerable Mission. Norwalk, England.
· 2014 CMESP. O Reino de Deus e Economia Solidaria. Plenary at the Conferência Missionária do Estado de São Paulo (CMESP), Rio de Janiero, Brazil
· 2014 February, MoveIn, Toronto.
o Plenaries:
o The Poor Wise Man
o See also White board explainer video, The Poor Wise Man
o Hovering Spirit, Creative Voice
o Seminar
Developing a Poor Peoples' Church
(2015). Slum Pastors' Training in Economic Discipleship. New Delhi, India. May 5-9, 2015. Training.
(2017). Economic Discipleship. Companions Among the Poor. Manila, March 30-31, 2017. Training Weekend.
(2018). From Slum Learning Networks to Urban Institutes. M-Talk. Micah Global Network. Tagaytay, Philippines.
(2018). The City of God in Genesis 1. Urban Shalom Society. Tagaytay, Philippines.
(2019). Slum-dweller's Pedagogy. American Society of Missiology. Notre Dame, South Bend, IN.
(2021) Building a Land Justice Network. Micah Network. Online globally.
(2022) The Kingdom and Transformation of post-Postmodern Megalopolises. June 26, 2022. Presentation at American Society of Missiology. Notre Dame, South Bend, IN.
Some Media
180 are now mostly upgraded and available on Search for Viv Grigg or go to (131 older presentations may be found at Some are simple quality. Total Views, as of Dec 31, 2020: 20,320 Embed Views: 2,313. Views in 2021: 4,942
Video Presentations
65 video presentations of topics in Urban Spirituality, Design of the MA in Transformational Urban Leadership, Economic Discipleship and A Biblical Theology of Urban Mission may be found at .
Movie: Poor Wise Man
Stewart, David, 2016. Poor Wise Man.
Websites (updated yearly, always developing)
1996. Building City Leadership Teams.
1997. Transforming Revival.
1998. Portuguese Training Materials
Masters level resource sites
2002. Urban Realities. (Needs second half)
2002. Urban Poor Churchplanting.
2004. Encarnacao Alliance Training Commission website.
2004. Community Economics.
2007 Urban Poor Movement Leadership.
2007. Biblical Theology of Mission.
2007. Urban Spirituality.
2009. Land Rights
2021. Andragogy for MATUL Admins and Faculty.
1998. Grassroots Churchplanters’ Training.
2017. Economic Discipleship. - 40 podcasts for oral learners