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The Patriarchs

Biblical Story

1. Follow the Discussion process in The Story of Beginnings

2. Urban Envisioning: The City of God Predicted in Genesis 1-4. (See PowerPoint)

Review the power point or read the document Poor and Poverty in the Old Testament (ppt) (doc)

Action Research Model

Review the Power Point Participatory Action Research


Converse with folks in the community about their ancient heroes, and their stories of creation, and how those stories affect their culture. If it is appropriate discuss the creation story.


Grigg, V. (2004). Companion to the Poor. Authentic Media. chap 3

Dyrness, W. (1998). Let the Earth Rejoice! A Biblical Theology of Holistic Mission. Pasadena: Wipf and Stock.  Chaps 1-4.

O'Brian, Rory. (1998). An Overview of the Methodological Approach of Action Research.


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