Culture of Poverty


Students can generate sociological and theological insights on urban spirituality in the culture of poverty and in peasant communities in the city.

Culture of Poverty presentation

Fire in a Cambodian Slum

  • Religion in slums – unity and uniformity


Read Lewis, Oscar. (1966). "The Culture of Poverty." Scientific American, 215 (4), 3-9.

Read de Jesus, Carolina Maria. (2003). Child of the Dark. New York, London, Auckland: Penguin.

Or Lapierre, Dominique, City of Joy (Eng.Translation) London: Arrow books, 1989.

Grigg, Viv. (2004) Squatter Culture and the Church. In Cry of the Urban Poor. Authentic.

Jocano, F. L. (1975). Round the Clock Slum Activities. Slum as a Way of Life. Quezon City, New Day Publishers: pp. 33-50 .


Proj 4.4: Find out and document in one page how rural migrants transplant their religious life from village to a city slum- worship, festivals, etc.

Submit templates for Proj 1 & 2 for review, with as much content as you have developed thus far


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